JUNE 1ST - 7TH 2024

My wonderful artists, come join me for a 7-day painting journey and explore the lovely landscape in Italy, during the summer of 2024.
We'll be exploring together the techniques of Alla Prima, focusing on portraits and figures - we will also take advantage of the gorgeous landscape that lies upon us!
You'll meet fellow painters like yourself and immerse in an environment that will inspire your journey. You may book your spot today and get ready for a truly unforgettable adventure :)
We have a lovely mid-sized group of students but there are still several spots available. Check the link below to take you to the official page of the trip and explore the itinerary and activities planned.
I so look forward to painting together!

If you are still looking to improve your skills from home, or simply curious about the behind-the-scenes process, I invite you to check my Patreon page where you'll gain access to hundreds of hours of instructional painting videos, process photos, and project updates. You'll be eligible for exclusive discounts and perks of being a member and the first to know about any new print release :)
US: Gamblin Gamsol
Europe: Sennelier odorless (easily available)
M. Graham Walnut Oil
Gamblin Galkyd Lite
Gamblin Galkyd Gel
I use mostly Rosemary&Co brushes:
Warm white
Cadmium Lemon Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Orange
Vermilion Red or Cad. Red light
Alizarin Crimson
Terra Rosa
Transparent Oxide Yellow
Transparent Oxide Red
Raw Umber
King's Blue Light
Permanent Mauve
Ultramarine Blue
Viridian Green
Sap Green
Ivory Black
I don't use all the colors in every single painting but these are the ones I would use in case I need them.